Pick up something for your “artsy” friend or family member!
Did you know you can still book a private Chef’s Table with Chef Sacha!
The Art Gallery is open Wednesday - Saturday, 12:00p - 4:00p or by appointment.
It has been said that we first eat with our eyes. Well, then you’ve come to the right place! Galleria offers a unique and dining option: a Chef’s Table.
There are many ways to experience the arts.
Just one of several artist studios inside Galleria.
Galleria started its journey with a small group of local artists - 4 painters and a potter. Now we have expanded to well over a dozen artists - 6 of whom have their studios right here. Paintings, ceramics, leather, mosaics, etc. Something for everyone.
Join Erin Mullins in her newest class offering this summer.
Not only will you be inspired by what you see, but you may even be persuaded to try your own hand at something creative! Galleria offers classes for all the arts: painting, mosaics, and our latest class, “Unleashing Creativity: Mixed Media Journaling.” Click HERE to sign up!
Chef’s Tables are an inspiring, custom dining experience.
Not many things are as beautiful as beautifully plated food. (They don’t call it culinary arts for nothing.) Like a painter, a chef has the gift of creating something - something you not only see, but taste.